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Transform Your Smile With Invisalign: Enjoy $1,250 OFF + a Free Retainer!

Do you find yourself covering your teeth when you smile? If you suffer from crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, your dream smile is possible with Invisalign! July 19th is National Retainer Day, and Solstice Smiles Dental is offering an exclusive offer for the first 20 people who sign up for Invisalign before July 19th, 2023 (restrictions may apply).

  • Get $1,250 OFF complete Invisalign treatment (Retail is $6,050)

  • Plus a FREE retainer

Women holding a case of Invisalign Clear Aligners poolside.

We are delighted to provide our patients with this special offer as Dr. Fitzpatrick and the team at our Solstice Smiles Dental in Petworth, Washington, DC love transforming our patients’ smiles. If you’d like more information about Invisalign, please read on!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of custom-made, removable clear aligners to straighten your teeth over time. We advise that you wear them for around 22 hours per day and treatment usually lasts between 6-12 months on average, but you can start seeing results as soon as six weeks of wearing them.

What are the Benefits of Invisalign Treatment?

  • Discreet — Unlike traditional braces, which involve fixed metal wires and brackets, Invisalign trays are virtually invisible, making them very discreet. This means you can laugh and speak without feeling self-conscious about your treatment.

  • Comfortable — Invisalign aligners are made with a precise fit to feel comfortable in your mouth. They move your teeth slowly so they don’t cause too much discomfort when wearing them. They are made from smooth, BPA-free plastic that don’t give you mouth sores from rubbing unlike traditional metal wires.

  • Flexible — Invisalign provides you with flexibility to eat what you want as you take them out. It also makes brushing and flossing much easier as there are no metal wires to contend with.

  • Convenient — You will be provided several trays at a time to take home and you will change them every ~14 days so you will spend less time coming to our l office than if you had traditional braces.

Invisalign is actually key to improving misaligned bites and overlapping teeth that can cause many dental problems down the line as it makes it much harder to brush and floss properly. Therefore, from an oral health perspective we highly recommend this treatment to improve your long-term health. As an added benefit, you will also have straighter teeth and a more esthetic smile.

Don’t delay taking advantage of our special $1,250 off Invisalign offer. Once you arrange a consultation with Dr. Fitz at our Petworth dental office, she will do a quick and pain-free scan of your teeth using our advanced iTero scanning technology and design a custom treatment plan. You will be able to see what the final results may look like before deciding whether to proceed with the treatment. With the amazing smile transformations we see, we are confident that you will want to go ahead and get the smile you deserve!

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